Monday, 20 June 2011

This Coming Week's Live and Interactive Events

Below are this coming week's public, free, and interactive webinars through, the social learning network for education that I work on for Elluminate.

The time of the events below will show up automatically in your own time zone when you are registered in LearnCentral and when you have chosen your time zone in your profile. Event recordings are posted and available after the events if you aren't able to attend them live. Be on the lookout for Australia-time-friendly events as part of the new Australia Series!

A number of folks have emailed me looking for an easy calendar import / RSS feed for these events, and while the developer at LearnCentral are working on a good long-term solution, you'll find my Google Calendar "hack" at Hope it helps!

I also hope you'll consider hosting your own public webinars using the LearnCentral public room--instructions are available by joining the "Host Your Own Webinar" group on the main announcement tab (

Monday, April 12th
  • 8am PDT (US) / 11am EDT (US) / 3pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    ELLUMINATE LIVE WEBINAR SERIES: “Using Emotional Intelligence To Improve Decision Making" with Lou Russell. Current research shows that when we lose our cool over something, it takes us over four hours to get over it. When we’re stressed, our decision making ability is compromised because the brain is working at survival. In this session, Lou will share some of this research and map it to ways you can help improve how your teams react to circumstances. You can help them build resiliency by helping them identify the triggers that take them out, and showing them ways to avoid or react to them.
    LearnCentral Link: (this event requires pre-registration)

  • 10:45pm PDT (US) / 1:45am (next day) EDT (US) / 5:45am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
    THE AUSTRALIA SERIES: “Tech Talk Tuesdays: Going 1:1 Laptop" with Anne Mirtschin and Helen Otway. When thinking about beginning a 1:1 laptop program what do you need to consider? Hardware? Software? Infrastructure? Support? Costs? Yes these are all the practical considerations and are very important. But what scaffolding needs to take place for our learners - teachers and students - to prepare for 1:1 learning? Learning styles? Team work vs Independent work? Confidence? Digital Citizenship? Personal Learning skills and attitudes? These are some of the challenges that started to take shape in our first year of providing our Year 7 Laptop Program. Helen will share the Manor Lakes College (Victoria, Australia) story so far and future directions.
    LearnCentral Link:
Tuesday, April 13th
  • 10am PDT (US) / 1pm EDT (US) / 5pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    ELLUMINATE LIVE WEBINAR SERIES: “Puzzling Opportunities: How To Use Puzzles In Your Training Session" with Dr. Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan and Tracy Tagliati. Do you know someone who wastes his or her time solving Sudoku puzzles? (Could that be you?) Attend this session to discover how the addictive and motivating aspects of puzzles can be leveraged to reinforce the learning-and-transfer process before, during, and after your training workshop. Learn how to design and use instructional puzzles to train your participants and to assess their competencies. Explore the instructional use of crossword puzzles, word puzzles, cryptograms, chunks, anagrams, triplets, logic puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, wire puzzles, and Sudoku puzzles. Leave the session with a how-to handout, online tools, and a daily dose of instructional puzzles through Twitter.
    LearnCentral Link: (this event requires pre-registration)

  • 11am PDT (US) / 2pm EDT (US) / 6pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    ELLUMINATE LIVE WEBINAR SERIES: “Formalizing Informal Learning: What Are We Talking About" with Lance Dublin. The buzz about informal learning has turned into a clamor. Organizations know they need to jump onto this bandwagon, but they worry about how. Formal learning is well established and is well understood. Yet, informal learning seems obvious but too ill-defined. Now is the time to move into the third dimension of learning, where formal and informal learning intersects with intention. Some experts have called this 'formalizing informal learning' while others term it 'non-formal' learning. Come and join me in this webinar to learn the distinctions between formal, informal and non-formal learning, and the learning theory behind them. We will explore how then these can be applied in your organization to extend, enable and enhance learning in effective ways never possible before. And we will look at a model for learning that moves beyond the linear either/or choice of formal - informal, and takes us into a third dimension drive by the new social media tools.
    LearnCentral Link: (this event requires pre-registration)

  • 1pm PDT (US) / 4pm EDT (US) / 8pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    MSP2 SERIES: “Google Apps for Educators" with Rachel Lacy. Not just a search engine...Google has created numerous free applications just for educators. Google Tools are one of the many emerging Web 2.0 concepts for educators that allow social networking, sharing, collaboration, etc...
    LearnCentral Link:

  • 5pm PDT (US) / 8pm EDT (US) / 12am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
    CONVERSATIONS.NET SERIES: “Scott Rosenberg on Say Everything." Join me as I interview Scott on his book Say Everything, his fascinating book on how blogging began, what its's becoming, and why it matters. Seriously, don't miss this one.
    LearnCentral Link:
Wednesday, April 14th
  • 1am PDT (US) / 4am EDT (US) / 8am GMT/UTC (intl times):
    THE AUSTRALIA SERIES: “eT@lking - Gimp Installation and First Steps” with Marian Heddesheimer. Gimp is a popular Open Source image processing software. It’s features can be compared to commercial programs like Photoshop® or Corel Photopaint®. Gimp is free software so you can download and use it without cost. Using Gimp is a bit different from other programs you may know, but if you get the hang on it, it will be easy to use it. Gimp can be used to edit your photos or create images and graphics from scratch. In this class we will just edit an existing photo (you will get an example photo during the class) and learn how to use the smudge tool from the gimp toolbox.
    LearnCentral Link:

  • 10am PDT (US) / 1pm EDT (US) / 4pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    THE AUSTRALIA SERIES: “eT@lking - Gimp Installation and First Steps” with Marian Heddesheimer. Gimp is a popular Open Source image processing software. It’s features can be compared to commercial programs like Photoshop® or Corel Photopaint®. Gimp is free software so you can download and use it without cost. Using Gimp is a bit different from other programs you may know, but if you get the hang on it, it will be easy to use it. Gimp can be used to edit your photos or create images and graphics from scratch. In this class we will just edit an existing photo (you will get an example photo during the class) and learn how to use the smudge tool from the gimp toolbox.
    LearnCentral Link:

  • 10am PDT (US) / 1pm EDT (US) / 4pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    ELLUMINATE LIVE WEBINAR SERIES: “ The Psychology Of Growing A Large Learning Community” with Ray Jimenez and Gary VanAntwerp. has 13,000. How did we grow to this number? What did we do consistently to increase the network interactions, sharing and groups? What theories failed and what new insights did we gain? These are some and many other topics we will cover in this session. The psychology of growing a large social learning community required we adhere to some core values, philosophies and practices to allow members to keep on coming back. We believe these practices and beliefs built trust and confidence among members to continue the growth.
    LearnCentral Link: (this event requires pre-registration)

  • 12pm PDT (US) / 3pm EDT (US) / 7pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    EDUCATION FOR A DIGITAL WORLD 2.0 SERIES: “Adventures in Virtual Collaborative Authoring” with Sandy Hirtz and Dr. Kevin Kelly. The collaboratively authored book, Education for a Digital World 2.0, and its predecessor Education for a Digital World represent a shift in how educators are sharing their research, experiences and best practices in online teaching and learning. Facilitated completely through virtual interactions, this new model of authoring went beyond writing and editing to become an international effort in community building and professional growth. The success of the first edition has resulted in a second, more inclusive book that offers improvements on the last version and addresses the constant changes in the global eLearning landscape.
    LearnCentral Link: (30 minute session)

  • 12:30pm PDT (US) / 3:30pm EDT (US) / 7:30pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    EDUCATION FOR A DIGITAL WORLD 2.0 SERIES: “Immersive Gameworlds for World-Wide Change” with Natasha Boskic. An overview of the role of video and computer games in the context of contemporary educational practice, looking at designing games for learning through engagement in building narratives and making positive modifications in real life behaviour. The question is whether those can have the ability and power to bring social changes and eventually to solve important world-wide issues..
    LearnCentral Link: (30 minute session)

  • 3pm PDT (US) / 6pm EDT (US) / 10pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    EDUCATION FOR A DIGITAL WORLD 2.0 SERIES: “Co-Creation of Content to promote Learning, Activism and Advocacy” with June Kaminski. This session will introduce educators to the use of a variety of ICTs to promote activism and advocacy, and in the process – learning, using a co-creation of usable content approach within the online learning environment. A key question that will be addressed is: How can communicative and creative technologies be used to stimulate meaningful activist engagement with ecological, sustainability, environmental and quality of life dialogue and praxis in education and society at large?
    LearnCentral Link: (30 minute session)

  • 4pm PDT (US) / 7pm EDT (US) / 11pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    MSP2 SERIES: “Why Does E=mc2? Meeting of the MSP2 Book Club" with Kim Lightle. Our next selection for the MSP2 Book Club is Why Does E=mc2? (of course the 2 is squared) and Why We Should Care. This book should appeal to science and math educators alike - what every part of the equation means to modern science as well as where every part came from - even the = and what it means to be "squared." The book is available online at
    LearnCentral Link:

  • 6pm PDT (US) / 6pm EDT (US) / 1am (next day) GMT/UTC (intl times):
    NETGENED/DISCOVERY EDUCATION SERIES: “Hall Davidson on Budgeting / Big Picture."
    LearnCentral Link:
Thursday, April 15th
  • 11am PDT (US) / 2pm EDT (US) / 6pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    PBS SERIES: “Dinosaur Train Geocaching Informational” with Maura Thompson. Informational session for PBS stations and any one else who wants to learn about this exciting educational initiative.
    LearnCentral Link:

  • 12:30pm PDT (US) / 3:30pm EDT (US) / 7:30pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    THE AUSTRALIA SERIES: “Business Breakfast - Managing Projects with Elluminate and DotProject” with Chris Sutton. In this second of the Business Breakfast Series, Chris will describe the time, people and cost benefits of using internet based tools for the total management of a complex development project. Using Elluminate and DotProject, a web-based project management tool, client and business teams have been able to work together efficiently and effectively across vast distances without the necessity to travel or use expensive tele/video conferencing. The combination of these and other tools for business enable SMEs to keep their costs down, remain competitive and produce high quality results.
    LearnCentral Link:

  • 4pm PDT (US) / 7pm EDT (US) / 11pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    THE AUSTRALIA SERIES: “Edublogs Serendipity - unconference session” with Jo Hart. Join us in our fortnightly unconference sessions. Bring along the burning issues and hot topics YOU would like to discuss. Topic is chosen by poll at the start of the session.
    LearnCentral Link:
Saturday, April 17th
  • 9am PDT (US) / 12pm EDT (US) / 4pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    CLASSROOM 2.0 LIVE! SERIES: “Parent Engagement using Sharepoint as Communication Portal and Learning Platform” with Mike Herrity, Asst. Headmaster at Twynham School, UK.
    LearnCentral Link:
Thanks for your attention, and see you online!

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