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    I have a strong use-case to define my own sorting algorithm, which is faster than the fastest in stl and by exploiting some nice properties of the underlying data I ...
  2.   Cached
    A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The most-used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order. Efficient ...
  3.​03sorting   Cached
    In the early days of computing, the common wisdom was that up to thirty per cent of all computing cycles was spent sorting. If that fraction is lower today ...
  4.​algorithms   Cached
    No sorting algorithm can achieve linear running time in general, ... (preferably written by separate ... (Now try saying “logarithmic algorithm” ten times, fast.)
  5.​id/35227   Cached
    It's inaccurate; It's incomplete; It's confusing; It wasn't what I was looking for; Other; Enter specific details about how you think we can improve this answer.
  6.   Cached
    Standard Template Library; algorithm; functional; ... they were part of the Standard Template Library, ... - Removes elements equal to the given value;
  7.   Cached
    The best case is that the value is equal to the ... C++'s STL provides algorithm functions ... a sorting algorithm is stable if whenever there are two ...
  8.​Mathematical-Explorations...   Cached
    There is an extremely fast algorithm for ... have gcd equal to 1.1 Proof of the power algorithm The key fact ... deviation Sorting D pr dsum csum s so ...
  9.​questions-and-answers...   Cached
    ... except when a new value is equal ... I think they wanted a deck shuffling algorithm ... if the question was only asking for a function and not a sorting algorithm:
  10.​fast-algorithm...   Cached
    An fast algorithm for sorting and shuffling equal valued entries (preferably by STL's) up vote 2 down vote favorite. I'm currently developing stochastic optimization ...
  11.​sort-algorithm   Cached
    An fast algorithm for sorting and shuffling equal valued entries (preferably by STL's) 0. how do you insert the value in a sorted vector? question feed.
  12.​   Cached
    An fast algorithm for sorting and shuffling equal valued entries (preferably by STL's) question feed. about help badges blog chat data legal privacy policy jobs ...
  13.​stls-power-in-c   Cached
    An fast algorithm for sorting and shuffling equal valued entries (preferably by STL's) 6. c++ power of integer, template meta programming. question feed.